
Search results

  1. Hops Field Night

    Hosted by Brad Bergefurd. ...

  2. Saving Soybean Seed for Next Year

    increases the rate of seed deterioration.  Iowa State University researchers found when soybean seed was ...

  3. Cold Weather and Fall Herbicides- to spray or not to spray

    recent deep freeze and had higher expectations.  Our best advice at this point on fall spraying is that ...

  4. Northern Corn Leaf Blight: Earlier than Usual this Year

    NCLB this early and how will this affect our yields? For this disease to develop this early, three ...

  5. Lumber grading training creates opportunities for workforce

    By: Hannah Scott, OCDC Program Manager   In 2010, the forest products industry employed close to ...

  6. Farm Science Review Nutrient Management Field Day


  7. Wheat Disease Update: The Week of May 18 2015

    could potentially slow down the development of the crop. Scab and vomitoxin become our biggest concerns ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-32

    the survey will be used to direct research and educational activities. We will share the results in ... SLAM IPM strategy for managing stored grain and grain handling facilities was presented in this ... top-dress treatments and in fumigations. The following are insecticides registered for management of stored ...

  9. This is the Time to Give Your Sprayer Some TLC

    effects of snow, rain, sun, and strong winds. Moisture in the air, whether from snow, rain, or soil, rusts ...

  10. Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in the Spring

    from snow, rain, or soil, rusts metal parts of unpro­tected equipment of any kind. This is especially ...
