
Search results

  1. Academic Advising FAQs

    grade. See our page on  Grading  for more information. How do I transfer my credits to The Ohio State ...

  2. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 2

    research from developing and testing hypotheses to reporting and presenting their findings.  Teaching ...

  3. Jim Herron receives Young Jersey Breeder Award

    Jim Herron, a 2006 graduate of the dairy cattle production and management program, has been named ...

  4. SENR Professor Emeritus Wins International Award for Career in Wetland Research and Teaching

    The Ramsar Convention will present Professor Emeritus William J. Mitsch a  Ramsar Convention Award of Merit for 2015  at the 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP12), to be held June 1-9, 2015, ...

  5. Soil, Water and Bioenergy Field Night


  6. Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry

    problems,” Dave said. Prior to teaching, Dave served as product manager for nine years at Lake County Nursery ...

  7. Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference & Trade Show

    Click here for full event information.  ...

  8. Eilers' Graduate Defense Seminar

    2013).  Using a survey distributed to a random sample of 10,000 OSU undergraduates, this research ...

  9. OnCampus Features Assistant Professor Jaeger's Research

    OnCampus, the news publication for The Ohio University features in its September 11 edition an article "Climate change will threaten fish by drying out streams" describing Assistant Professor Kris Jaeger's recently published article in the ...

  10. Post-Award Grant/Contract Management

    When:                                     September 8, 2016, 9:30- 11:30 am Location:                     Ag Admin 105-Columbus Campus Target Audience:        Faculty and financial staff Presenter:                   CFAES Finance Office During this Fiscal ...
