
Search results

  1. Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations

    fertility program starts with a representative soil sample that is used to develop nutrient recommendations. ... Grid Sampling Zone Management Sampling Strengths Non-mobile nutrients P, K and pH Soil test levels ... zone management algae growth fertile soil no-till systems composite sample crop debris Agriculture and ...

  2. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    (i.e., blind inlets) to reduce soil and nutrient losses. No application of P containing fertilizer or ... Professor and State Specialist in Soil Fertility, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio ... organic (i.e., manure, biosolids, compost) nutrient sources to frozen or snow-covered soil unless applied ...

  3. Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality Wang, Y. T., Zhang T. Q., O'Halloran I. P., Tan C. S., Hu Q. C. & Reid D. K. (2011). Soil ... practices beyond 4R nutrient management (right source, right rate, right time, and right place) may be ... for subsurface drainage between 112 to 200 ppm (Table 1). Guidelines for nutrient management planning ...

  4. Chris Galbraith

    in weed management, soil biology, market gardening, and other areas of commercial vegetable ... conducting research on electrical weed control in carrot and green bean production.  Chris has a background ...

  5. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    Manager; Organic Food and Farming Education and Research Program; Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... biodiversity, and soil health. Organic farms do not use synthetic chemical inputs such as mineral fertilizers ... horticultural crops. Soil health and fertility are addressed with natural sources of organic matter and soil ...

  6. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology; The Ohio State University Bumble bees are managed ... bees are better suited for indoor pollinating than the more commonly managed honey bee because of their ... managed bees for the purpose of supplying pollination services to crop systems (Strange, 2015). The two ...

  7. Bed Bugs

    management tactics to adopt that take into account specific bug biology and habits. (See Additional Resources ... a bat bug rather than a bed bug, a different management approach is needed. In other instances, insects ... management (IPM) approach that involves multiple tactics, such as preventive measures, monitoring, ...

  8. Crop Nutrition Apps

    plan fertilizer applications and meet soil nutrient needs. Users select a crop and the desired yield ... applications (e.g. Apps) developed and offered to support nutrient management continues to grow. Many of these ... used by farmers or their agronomic consultants to help with nutrient management including planning, ...

  9. Inoculants and Soil Amendments for Organic Growers

    biocontrol agents) also are available to improve soil nutrients for plants and to reduce disease pressure. In ... management plan. Fertilizer The amount and type of fertilizer required for efficient organic farming are ... mainly dependent on soil fertility at the time of planting and the types of cash crops being grown. To ...

  10. Low-Cost Crop-Management Considerations

    fewer well-managed acres would be greater than a larger acreage that is poorly managed. Evaluate soils ... selections and determining seeding rates.  Conduct Soil Analysis and Develop a Soil Fertility Program ... potassium may not require additional nutrients for a year or more. Emphasize potassium fertility for soybean ...
