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  1. Considerations when Conditioning Too-dry Soybeans

    Unfortunately, these methods of reducing pressure have not been well researched and are based on field experience ...

  2. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 23- Interview with Tom Fontana from Ohio Soybean Council

    one yield robber for soybeans in the U.S. The checkoff is also funding various soils research with ... this episode, we are with Tom Fontana, the Director of Research and Education for the Ohio Soybean ... checkoff has been around for a little over thirty years. The checkoff is federal and managed by the U.S. ...

  3. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Columbus- February 19, 2025

    pesticide license. If you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. ... Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training  Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Recertification ... Training: One hour of agricultural fertilizer applicator recertification training will be available at the ...

  4. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Cincinnati Area- February 13, 2025

    a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  7:45 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. ... of core + a total of four additional hours for a total of five hours. Agricultural Fertilizer ... Applicator Certification Training  Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Training: There will be ...

  5. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Findlay- January 29, 2025

    a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in will begin at 7:45 ... Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training  Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Training: ... One hour of agricultural fertilizer applicator recertification training will be available at the ...

  6. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Jennifer DeLong

    alumna of Richland County 4-H who works as the neurodiagnostic regional manager for the Sleep Labs at ... self-reliance.” DeLong currently works as the neurodiagnostic regional manager for the Sleep Labs at AdventHealth ...

  7. Cover Crop ‘Til You Drop Field Day Wrap-Up

    soil fertility. The team could not have put on this event without assistance from Cargill, The Nature ... event speakers brought attention to different aspects of cover crops, including economics, research ... results, and the interaction between cover crops and water quality and soil health. The event keynote ...

  8. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron- January 16, 2025

    a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in will begin at 7:45 ... of core + a total of four additional hours for a total of five hours. Agricultural Fertilizer ... Applicator Certification Training  There will be NO agricultural agricultural fertilizer training at Akron ...

  9. Dry Conditions in Corn – Implications and Recommendations

    management, and building soil organic matter, which are all critical aspects of crop production. Yield ... western and northern Ohio, are still okay given good soil moisture levels below the surface from past ... rains. Most of our corn fields in Ohio are at the dough (R4) and dented (R5) stages. The highest water ...

  10. In Stressful Times, Who Do You Turn To?

    weather, there are times when even the most resilient farmers need support and encouragement to manage ... impossible for them to escape the constant stress. Many of us can step away from our jobs when things get ... certain: farmers are the heartbeat of our communities. As you read this week's CORN newsletter, I ask ...
