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  1. New fact sheet reporting relationships between soil test extractants published by Culman Lab

    The Soil Fertility Lab has published a fact sheet reporting their results investigating the ... relationships between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate soil test extractants in the Tri-State Region. ... Summary of Findings Soil samples in Ohio and Indiana were collected from a diverse range of fields and ...

  2. Evaluation of Pipeline Installation on Crop Productivity in Ohio

    landowners on their experiences with having pipelines installed on their property. Our findings are published ... in the pdf links below.   Literature Review of Pipeline Impacts on Soil and Crop Properties ...

  3. Ohio State Experts Work with State Agriculture Professionals to Devise Water Quality Recommendations

    agricultural nutrients from affecting or entering the western basin of Lake Erie using best management ... E-2567,  which provides information on the basic philosophy of nutrient management; Updated Tables for the ... report also encourages farmers to adopt production guidelines known as “4R Nutrient Management.” The 4R ...

  4. Composting Boosts Turfgrass Growth

    where all of the nutrients are located, is stripped away. So soils where newly seeded turfgrass is ... urban developments. Ohio State University researchers have found that by adding an inch of compost into ... the top soil, perennial ryegrass achieves nine times faster cover and Kentucky bluegrass five times ...

  5. Ohio State experts work with state agriculture professionals to devise water quality recommendations

    known as “4R Nutrient Management.” The 4R concept refers to the idea of using the right fertilizer ... agricultural nutrients from affecting or entering the western basin of Lake Erie using best management ... Alfalfa E-2567,  which provides information on the basic philosophy of nutrient management; ·         ...

  6. NutrientStar

    ours and NutrientStar come in. We determine efficacy of nutrient management tools that can then help ... NutrientStar  provides science-based assessments of fertilizer management products. With so many ... farmers optimize their fertilizer use and time, which will save them money. Why farmers need performance ...

  7. ECO Farming Saves Growers Money, Improves Soil and Benefits Environment, Researchers Say

    forward in the soil to the next planting instead of resulting in soil nutrient runoff into our streams.  ... get the soil stabilized and use less fertilizer and have more nutrients available for crop production. ... , “reducing the amount of nutrients they may need to buy in the future,” he said.   “Fertilizer prices are ...

  8. When You Must Apply Manure in Winter, Take Precautions

    covering soil and water; nutrient and manure management; advanced scouting techniques; cover crops; crop ... January 18, 2011 ADA, Ohio-- Farmers are never encouraged to spread manure or fertilizer on frozen ... or snow-covered ground, but researchers know that sometimes it's inevitable. That's why ...

  9. Conference Covers Breadth of Conservation Tillage Topics

    nutrient. The soil and water topics will cover water table management, constructed wetlands for irrigation, ... January 10, 2008 ADA, Ohio-- From nutrient management to cover crops, nearly 65 presentations ... Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation ...

  10. Solution to Global Food Crisis is Managing Natural Resources

    and managing soil and water become even more significant, even in areas where land remains fertile ... management of Earth's natural resources. Rattan Lal, a researcher with the Ohio Agricultural Research ... and Development Center and world-renown for his work in sustainable management of soil and natural ...
