
Search results

  1. Status of Palmer amaranth in Ohio

    used in animal operations.  The latter has been the source of our most recent and most severe ...


    window.   As expected our weather pattern has changed to a much warmer one. This will persist for some ...

  3. Whittington receives national teaching award

    Communication, Education, and Leadership at The Ohio State University. She directs a Hatch research project, ...

  4. Ohio State Alumni Association Supports Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Drive to Build Stronger Alumni Relations

    through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative, or iAGRI. The iAGRI project is a major food ... security project funded by USAID and seeks to improve SUA’s teaching and research capacity, as well as ... other U.S. land grant universities, in addition to facilitating collaborative agricultural research ...

  5. Corn Flea Beetle and Stewart's Leaf Blight Prediction

    the corresponding indexes are: Wooster (OARDC) 73.8, Ashtabula 67.5, Hoytville (Northwest Research ... Station) 63.2, and South Charleston (Western Research Station) 74.1.  Obviously, this was a very cold ...

  6. Camper Registration Round-Up

    To help accommodate people that are unable to get to our office during regular business hours, we ...

  7. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  8. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  9. Frosted Forage Precautions

    nitrogen levels or in soils deficient in phosphorus or potassium will be more likely to have high prussic ... management is to wait a few days after a killing frost before grazing pure legume stands- wait until the ...

  10. Survey of Flavor Science

    The Flavor Research and Education Center is proud to be partnering with the American Chemical ...
