
Search results

  1. Weeds, Weeds, and More Weeds

    the season, and causes greater herbicide costs to properly manage this weed.  We really should be ... hand before harvest and prepare to manage waterhemp better next season. The only way to reduce the ...

  2. Dicamba Restrictions Added

    prediction. We’re all sort of holding our breath,” Loux said. Across the U.S. this year, millions of acres ...

  3. Low Head Scab and Vomiitoxin and Very Good Grain Yield and Quality

    very good grain yield and quality. Stripe rust was our biggest disease problem this year, but outbreaks ...

  4. Corn Production-Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection

    discussing  Optimizing Corn Yields-Assessing the Contribution of Key Agronomic Management Factors. The second ...

  5. Turn Your Favorite Tree Into Many, by Grafting

    upcoming workshop on the topic. The arboretum, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  6. Summer Grafting Workshop

    upcoming workshop on the topic. The arboretum, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  7. 2016 Ag Outlook Meeting- Greenville

    Ward, Asst. Professor, OSU Extension Production Business Management Matt Roberts, Asst. Professor, OSU ...

  8. Orchard Sprayer Field Day

    materials in the most effective and cost efficient manner? Orchard owners, managers, employees and anyone ...

  9. Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13

    amounts or quality of data being managed, and requirements that a grower must purchase additional services ...

  10. Does your field have Western Bean Cutworm larva?

    cutworms.  Although our numbers have been about the same as previous years, we may have seen slightly more ...
