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  1. Fertilizer Options for Stockpiling Cool Season Grass

    StockpilingFieldResearch2017.pdf 2017 Pasture Pasture Stockpiling Grass Monroe Noble Morgan ...

  2. Technology Use in Agriculture Survey

    takes approximately 5 minutes to fill out. Link to survey: Research Cooperator ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-38

    dry down conditions. In some of my research plots, I’ve noted major differences in grain moisture ... quality. The following are some findings from this research. • Delaying harvest until early-mid November ... summer, and we have given it our stamp of approval (you can judge for yourself what this is worth). We ...

  4. The February Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connections Webinars Are Now Available for Viewing On Line.

    selections using site of action information with Dr. Mark Loux, State Specialist Weed Management, Ohio State ... Optimizing Corn Yields-Assessing the Contribution of Key Agronomic Management Factors. Plus Seed Treatments ...

  5. Dr. M. Sanjayan: "Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future"

    and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future.   Dr. M. ...

  6. The Big Data Confusion: Part 3- Ownership

    the ATP.”  While it seems that the utilization of data from a farm management aspect is a helpful ... Management ...

  7. Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields

    Pollen of a given plant rarely fertilizes all the silks of the same plant. Under field conditions, 97% or ...

  8. First Generation of Roundup Ready Soybean Trait Patent Set to Expire in 2015

      Patents help fuel research and development by granting companies exclusive rights to make, use and sell ... be little incentive for companies to invest in research and development of new technologies. For ...

  9. Ohio Educators: Explore 2 'Amazing' Resources for Teaching About Nature, the Environment

    forests and wildlife. Tools for indoors, outdoors “Our goal is to provide information and activities to ...

  10. Cool Weather and Corn Dry Down

    research evaluating corn drydown provides insight on effects of weather conditions on grain drying. During ...
