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West Ohio Agronomy Day (Evening Portion)- Ft. Loramie
Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits (Core and Categories 1, 2, and 6) and Fertilizer Applicator ...
2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference
State University, who will discuss “ Managing Grass-Legume Mixtures” based on extensive research and ... Parker (Ohio State University Graduate Research Assistant) and Dr. Mark Sulc and Dr. Dave Barker (The ...
OSU’s Corn College workshop is March 13
the latest research shows as they work towards maximizing corn crop yields in an economical fashion,” ... * Miami and Darke County corn on-farm research results. * Insect pressure on today’s genetics and future ...
Night Temperatures Impact Corn Yield
have been associated with some of our highest corn yields in Ohio. The cool night temperatures may have ... Research at the University of Illinois conducted back in the 1960s indicated that corn grown at night ...
How reliable will this year's test plot data be?
persistent rains saturated soils and caused localized ponding and flooding. These conditions resulted in root ... like the ponding and saturated soils this year coupled with slight differences in soil organic matter, ... cultivar performance trials affected by excessive soil moisture. Did a hybrid or cultivar yield well under ...
Corn Earworm in Field Corn; Watch for Molds
overwinter in most parts of Ohio, and the majority of our population probably immigrates each summer from ... more southern states. Weather fronts from the south can help carry influxes of moths our way. ...
Spring Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley
Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley (including spring management) is now available online at: ... malting barley management. Ohio farmers need to carefully consider growing winter malting barley as it may ...
Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides
assume that it is always possible to use an adjuvant once corn has emerged.- Based on our research with ... this type of approach to herbicide management, it can be more effective to wait to apply until the ... being applied POST in the south already as part of the “overlapping residual” strategy for management of ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-16
on managing wheat diseases with fungicides, please refer to the following C.O.R.N newsletter ... Our predicted risk for soybean rust in Ohio for 2008 is very, very, very low. Ohio’s early planted ... these tools and depend on these tools at times to manage epidemics caused by fungi – we thought this ...
Trapped and Distorted Wheat Head
severe enough to break the rachis and prevent the flow of water and nutrients to the upper-most ... grain. Once the heads remain green and healthy and water and nutrients still travel up the stem to the ...