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  1. Updates from the CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team

    information related to diversity and inclusion activities within our college and on campus. This listserve ...

  2. Rusts on Wheat and Barley: An Update

    thing to note is that they can all be managed with the same set of fungicides, but applications have to ...

  3. Cressleaf Groundsel- The Ubiquitous Yellow Weed

    available in the “Other Weeds’ category on our website,, and a brief video by OSU ... risk to animals that ingest it.  The following information on toxicity comes directly from our fact ...

  4. Early-May Wheat Disease Update

    see the chart below. Management of Small Grain Diseases Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Wheat ...

  5. Identifying Feekes Growth Stages 9 and 10

    stem), then you are at Feekes 10, the boot stage. Click on the links below for information on management ...

  6. Hanging out, hanging in there

    "Our work has evolved over time," said Ferrari. "Some partners enable us to extend our ...

  7. Soil Compaction and Subsoil Tillage Effect on Crop Production

    SoilCompaction.pdf 2009 Soybean Corn Soybean Corn Equipment and Tillage Wood tillage 2009 Hoytville compaction ...

  8. Temperature Management in On-farm Grain Bins

    Stored Grain." Grain management with fluctuating temperature, begins with checking the current ... continue running the fans to bring temperature down to the desired range. Other tips for managing stored ...

  9. Manure and Commercial Fertilizer Comparison

    Manure Sidedress.pdf 2009 Manure Manure 2009 Wood Hoytville Clay Loam Nitrogen N nitrate UAN Corn ...

  10. Warmer and Drier will be the trend for the rest of the growing season

    events. You can keep up on the latest NOAA/NWS/OHRFC Drought Briefing using our drought briefing page at:  ...
