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Fungicide Options for Soybeans
2015. Here are a few guidelines, results from our studies in Ohio that point to the best return on ... Indiana, and up and down the Mississippi of populations that are no longer managed by the strobilurin class ... have started our scouting for this pathogen as fields begin to get closer to flowering. However, for ...
2012 Video Awards
receive $500 for the Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association. Our runner-up this year goes to Monica ... the Plant Health Management Forum at OSU. You can view both videos and several others on the APS ...
Western Bean Cutworm Flight Has Begun
Our trapping network has started to catch western bean cutworm (WBC) adults, meaning that flight ... August, so we expect our counts to increase. Females lay eggs on corn, and, after hatch, the larvae feed ... as shown in the figure. From our previous seasons, we have not seen tremendous damage from WBC. Most ...
[Citation Needed] Editing the Message
Ilona Jalics, a multimedia coordinator and instructor, here to teach us some simple ways to make our own ... we order enough food! We will also be announcing the launch of our Student Showcase/Competition, ...
Head Scab Update: Week of May 21
head scab management, and you will have a 4-5-day window from the day the crop reaches the critical ...
Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest
will bring about the importance of combine adjustments but also yield monitoring management, in ... decisions at a field level, proper management of the yield monitor in 2015 will be key in order to generate ... managing calibration numbers: 1) Corn and soybeans require separate mass flow calibration. 2) ...
Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting
markets. Sessions will look at best practices from research on climate smart adaptation and mitigation, ...
DEADLINE: Applications for USAID Africa Bureau Internships
expects to have a limited number of summer 2016 internships available in a few of our overseas missions in ... poverty, and conduct themselves responsibly in the international system. Our assistance to Africa aims to ...
Replanting failed corn stands – herbicide considerations
Illinois newsletter, “The Bulletin – pest management and crop development information for Illinois”, ...
New Website Layout
You probably noticed the new format of the C.O.R.N. newsletter in our last issue. The College has ... our events page as there are a lot of programs scheduled this winter around the state. For feedback ...