
Search results

  1. Lunch & Learn

    Management major. Learn how to develop a resume that highlights your strengths, talents, and is tailored to ...

  2. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    while the International Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) project won the Emerging International ... Engagement Award: International Agricultural Research Initiative The International Agricultural Research ... research and outreach are critically needed inputs to increase agricultural productivity and decrease food ...

  3. OSU Extension Annual Conference

    Open to all Extension employees (our yearly event) Contact Amy Fovargue 292-3510 How to register ...

  4. The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans

    management practices are listed along with the need to scout for non-performance after application and report ... develop a weed management plan that includes it. It’s almost impossible to come up with a cost-effective ... dicamba than the “average susceptible crop” – tomatoes, cucurbits, and grapes. Our questions to Monsanto ...

  5. New and Small Farms College- Troy, OH

    disappointed! Course includes farm business management, tax information, resources, a small farm tour, and more. ...

  6. Good harvest weather this week with worsening harvest weather next week

    There has been some patchy frost to this point but nothing real significant. Typically we see our first ...

  7. Ohio Department of Agriculture Info Session

    interact with ODA personnel and learn more about our internship program.   Wednesday, October 16 from ...

  8. Stink bugs in Soybeans

    As our soybean begins to develop flowers and pods, we need to be aware of stink bugs that will ... will begin our surveys this week. Please let us know of any fields that might have a high number of ...

  9. Hay and Straw Barn Fires a Real Danger.

    common in our region and are not a big concern. Assessing the Fire Risk Most hay fires occur within the ... Farm Management ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm 2017 Trapping and Monitoring Summary

    you are interested in joining our trapping network for the 2018 season, please contact Amy Raudenbush ...
