
Search results

  1. Brazil Gateway

    facilitate opportunities for students, researchers, alumni and partners. The Brazil Gateway is located in the ...

  2. DEADLINE: Proposals for Ohio State- FAPESP/Brazil Collaborative Research Awards

    Office of Research News Ohio State/Brazil 2015 joint Call for Proposals now open POSTED: MAY 12, ... 2015 Ohio State University/FAPESP Joint Call for Proposals 2015 Researchers from any department and ... discipline affiliated with The Ohio State University and the Higher Education Research Institutions in the ...

  3. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    effective supervisor it is important for a Millennial to understand the  work values and management ...

  4. MIR Soils

    https://soilfertility.osu.edu_self Image Slide Gray Marquee ...

  5. Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease

    Agricultural Research Institute in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania researched the molecular mechanisms of resistance to ... as substantial as 70% in East Africa.    His graduate research, entitled “Molecular Analysis of Host ... Research Initiative (iAGRI)- a major Feed the Future project funded by the U.S Agency for International ...

  6. Ningxia University administrators visit Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    areas of agriculture, horticulture, and turfgrass management each year. Dr. Mike Chrisman, Director of ... received through our internship program,” shared Dr. Chrisman. “Upon their return, they’ve quickly secured ...

  7. StrengthsFinder- Online

    talents.  According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths."  When you focus on your ... Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created ...

  8. StrengthsFinder

    talents.  According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths."  When you focus on your ... Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created ...

  9. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    containers. Most significant to our research project was the fact that dogs were everywhere! The dog, or ... in a research mission to Ethiopia this past summer as a part of the  One Health Initiative. Laura and ... I was on the rabies elimination team and our goal was to use a mental models approach in order to ...

  10. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...
