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  1. September-October 2014

    Welcome to the latest issue of OARDC Report, the newsletter of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OARDC is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  2. Entomology Seminar

    Riccardo Bommarco "Ecology and management of beneficial insects in agriculture " ...

  3. July-August 2014

    Welcome to the latest issue of OARDC Report, the newsletter of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OARDC is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  4. Research on link between health and nature will grow in new OARDC garden

    and research value. Dedicated in September, the Lemmon and Rice Health and Wellness Garden was ... designed to boost visitors’ sense of well-being and to provide opportunities for research on the impact of ... future research projects. The garden focuses on six of nine pillars of wellness: environmental, physical, ...

  5. Small Grains FIeld Day

    include: •Wheat Disease ID and Management •Wheat Breeding: Developing Disease Resistant Varieties •Wheat ...

  6. Center for Applied Plant Sciences

    Sciences (CAPS) supports interdisciplinary Scientific Teams that span the continuum between basic research ...

  7. OARDC scientists nab national honors; have ‘positive impact on society’

    Ohio State research. They exemplify the university’s mission of creating the knowledge and discoveries ... Vice President for Research Caroline Whitacre — from Ohio State in 2015. Bruce McPheron, the ... Materials and is an Ohio Research Scholar. To contact the scientists: Ken Lee at; Katrina ...

  8. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens

    is no admission fee. Pay-n-Display parking is available in the surrounding parking lots. Even our ...

  9. Ohio’s bees are a honey, and then some: Get a new guide to know them

    “They’re beautiful, important and diverse creatures that positively impact our lives.” The card is ... creatures that positively impact our lives.”—Denise Ellsworth Originally created for pollinator study ...

  10. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...
