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  1. Xtend soybean/dicamba information

    The latest blog post on the OSU weed management website,, has information on ...

  2. Argumentative Writing Workshop for Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts Teachers

    Monday, June 12, 2017- 8:00am Workshop Information and Registration Byrd Polar and Climate Research ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-17

    (above- and below-ground), including the uptake of the lion's share of soil nutrients for use during ... damage. More information on this evaluation is in the 2000 Agronomic Crops Team On-Farm Research Projects ... nutrients and carbon dioxide into sugars, starches, and other plant dry matter. Subsequently, the stalk ...

  4. Corn Grain Test Weight

    versa. However, there is little evidence in the research literature that grain test weight has a strong ... end-use products like corn starch, although the research literature does not consistently support this ... again the research literature is not in agreement on this. Whether or not low test weight grain is ...

  5. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...

  6. Faculty Staff Appreciation Breakfast

    CFAES Student Council will be hosting our annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfast in the ...

  7. Williams Hall

    Laboratory, and the Service Testing and Research (STAR) Lab.  ...

  8. Don't Delay Wheat Harvest

    funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program, we are continuing this research. However, we will be ...

  9. Harnessing Consumers and Communities to Help Meet U.S. Food Waste Reduction Goals

    available to field questions and discuss possible research collaboration projects. Roe has conducted ... extensive research on food waste. He recently published a  study  that was the first in the U.S. to identify ... University Extension  and the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the outreach and research ...

  10. Seeding Recommendations Following Pipeline Construction

    ://   Forages Research Cooperator Opportunity ...
