
Search results

  1. 2017 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test

    tables. The Ohio test site was located in our Northwest Region at Hoytville (Wood County). The two MSU ...

  2. Science Café: Ohio State Forests- a Long History of Birth and Re-Growth

    Dorka will discuss the acquisition and growth of forest lands in the state, their management and the ...

  3. Annie's Project Women in Ag Crawford County

    through networks and by managing and organizing critical information and risks. The program will be held ...

  4. Environmental Career Conference

    Our brand new signature event for the 2016-2017 academic year, attend session presentations from ...

  5. Resume Critique

    Students in the Natural Resource Management Majors, come have your resume critiqued by ...

  6. Useful Weather Links and Outlook

    There has been many requests for information on where to find such things as 4 inch soil ...

  7. Second Annual Student Council Pumpkin Carving Contest

    refreshments, and music provided by our very own student council secretary Ellen Gilliland. Spirits were high, ... significantly larger than our first pumpkin carving contest held last fall, something the CFAES Student Council ... would like to recognize and commend our fellow students. Thank you to everyone who came out to support ...

  8. Terms of Use

    "we," "us," "our") and you with respect to your use of our website ... be effective immediately upon our making such change(s) available on the Website or otherwise ... all of the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy (which can be accessed at ...

  9. Zero tolerance required for prevention of Palmer amaranth problems

    conclusion of the researchers was that the results show the need for a zero tolerance threshold on Palmer ... residual herbicides are a valuable tool in the management of Palmer amaranth.  But it’s difficult to ...

  10. Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804

    Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804.  Five to 15 percent of Ohio's corn crop is ... of transmission and infection, and management options for the major diseases affecting corn in Ohio. ...
