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Assessing yield losses in corn due to frost
summarize the findings of Minnesota researchers who defoliated plants to simulate frost damage at different ...
Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective
20 percent behind the five-year average. Long term research by universities and seed companies across ...
Ohio Noxious Weed Law
discussions about our noxious weed law in recent meetings where I have been a presenter. With regard to new ...
Woolly Bear Caterpillars
portions at the end of the body the more severe will be the coming winter. Research has debunked this ...
Corn Ear Rots: Identification, Quantification and Testing for Mycotoxins
ears under our growing conditions. DIPLODIA EAR ROT- Diplodia causes a thick white mass of mold to ...
The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it
alkaline and acid compacted soils and will withstand drought, salted roads, wind and even fire. But do not ...
Late-Season Weed Issues – Are We Having Fun Yet?
According to our weather guru, there is no close precedent for a summer like this in the last 100 ...
About (for homepage banner)
collaboration, consulting, unbiased infomration, applied research, and land-grant university education to address ...
Corn drydown: What to expect?
per point from 25% to 20%. Past Ohio research evaluating corn drydown provides insight on effects of ...
Burndown Herbicides for No-tillage Wheat
certainly includes our two major weeds, giant ragweed and marestail. As we move through harvest and into ...