
Search results

  1. 2016 Central Ohio Agronomy School “The Nuts & Bolts about Corn & Soybean Production”

    Nitrogen Study Research Results. Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist, OSU Extension February 15 – New Spray ...

  2. Come to the Butler County Farm Day for Family Fun!

    pasture management practices. This event is FREE and open to the public. Families are encouraged to come ...

  3. Lots of Fungicides to Choose From, but Choose Wisely

    Caramba (metconazole) are your best fungicides for managing scab and vomitoxin, make sure you have the ...

  4. Managing Corn Rust with Fungicides

    Both southern and common rust have been confirmed in multiple corn fields across the state, but as is usually the case in Ohio, the latter is much more wide-spread than the former, and most of the affected fields are in the southern half of the state. Sou ...

  5. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    My absolute favorite meeting of our Master Gardeners’ group is the November seed exchange.  Seed ... seeds that are tiny are quick to dry and may be ready to save right off the stem.  A little research ...

  6. OSU Hops Conference & Trade Show

    Save the Date!  More Details to Come! ...

  7. Early postemergence plus residual in soybeans and other weed issues

    – check our ratings during the selection process to make sure the product addresses the weeds of concern. ...

  8. Assessing yield losses in corn due to frost

    summarize the findings of Minnesota researchers who defoliated plants to simulate frost damage at different ...

  9. Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective

    20 percent behind the five-year average. Long term research by universities and seed companies across ...

  10. Ohio Noxious Weed Law

    discussions about our noxious weed law in recent meetings where I have been a presenter.  With regard to new ...
