
Search results

  1. Prussic Acid Testing in Forages

    management practices should be followed to prevent poisoning of livestock (see accompanying article).  If ...

  2. Considering Growing Wheat in Wide Rows?

    the same regardless of row width.   Wide Wheat Row Management Tips: Choose a variety that is ...

  3. Collect and Share Rainfall Information Online

    farmers and homeowners, this will benefit local, state, and national researchers by providing a source of ...

  4. Corn Management System Comparison

    sundermeier_corncomparereport_fin.pdf 2004 Corn Corn Organic and non-GMO Equipment and Tillage 2004 Wood Hoytville tillage herbicide ...

  5. Soybean Management Comparison

    organicnotillbeanfinal08.pdf 2008 Soybean Soybean Organic and non-GMO Equipment and Tillage 2008 Wood Hoytville tillage ...

  6. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Looking for your opinion on cover crops.

    Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and carried out by the Conservation Technology ...

  7. Saving Soybean Seed for Next Year

    increases the rate of seed deterioration.  Iowa State University researchers found when soybean seed was ...

  8. Cold Weather and Fall Herbicides- to spray or not to spray

    recent deep freeze and had higher expectations.  Our best advice at this point on fall spraying is that ...

  9. Northern Corn Leaf Blight: Earlier than Usual this Year

    NCLB this early and how will this affect our yields? For this disease to develop this early, three ...

  10. Wheat Disease Update: The Week of May 18 2015

    could potentially slow down the development of the crop. Scab and vomitoxin become our biggest concerns ...
