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EPN Breakfast Club
'Plants Make the World Go ‘round: Why We Must Protect Our Native Ecosystems.' The EPN Breakfast will ...
Tree School Set for Ohio State Mansfield
(deer conflict management), “Planting for Pollinators,” “Wetlands in Your Woodlands.” Track 3: ...
SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: In Vitro Tests of Environmental Variables
variable. Much of the current research on type A influenza viruses has focused on transmission of the virus ... across bird species via direct contact. However, this research focuses on water sources used by infected ... Furthermore, this research compared the persistence of sporadically vs frequently occurring LPAIVs. The purpose ...
Encouraging Synergies between Human and Natural Systems: An Essential Step toward Sustainability
Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India. His research is motivated by the need for a sustainable ... systems. His awards include a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, Research Excellence in ...
SENR Express Services (Last one of the semester!)
210 Kottman Hall You can get help with the following during our Express Services hours: Internship ...
Expanded Ohio State, CFAES brand guidelines now available
brochures, flyers, postcards, PowerPoints, and research posters. You will also find links to university brand ...
Using Degree Days to Measure the Impact of Climate Change on US Agriculture
Professor of Forest Policy, Professor of Economics, and Professor, School of Management, at the Yale School ...
Pranay Ranjan's Graduate Defense Seminar
a mixed methods research approach using semi-structured phone interviews with one change agent each in 17 ...
Lake States Fire Science Consortium Webinar
The Lake States Fire Science Consortium welcomes Trent Wickman, Air Resource Management, Great ...
Gurd Assumes Leadership Role for CFAES Advancement
opportunities to meet more of our college alumni and friends.” Alumni may be familiar with Gurd, who most ...