
Search results

  1. Western Bean Cutworm: Final Adult Moth Update

    who allowed us to place traps in their fields. Week ending August 25, 2018 was our final week ...

  2. 1st Generation European Corn Borer Management in non-Bt Corn

    European corn borer (ECB) was once our most important corn insect, but its population has ... control ECB (see our bulletin: ...

  3. Assessment- Evidence- Food Science and Technology

    Agriculture CULSCI- BS Food Business Management Bachelor of Science in Agriculture FDBUSMG- BS Food Science ...

  4. Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm

    insecticides” and “reduce levels of mycotoxin in corn”. In all these regards, Cry1F has failed in our states. ... calls and emails, and visited numerous fields; we know that our agribusiness contacts and seed industry ... true, and our extension recommendations (including the Handy Bt Trait Table) will be changing to ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout

    Western bean cutworm adult moth catches in our trapping network are ticking up, with a noticeable ... Scouting and management.   Female moths prefer to lay eggs in pre-tassel corn approaching tassel, so check ...

  6. Impact of Frost on Soybean and Corn Survival

    germinating or as far along as the V1 stage (one leaf collar visible) survived freezing soil temperatures in ... of low temperature injury in corn because the growing point is at or below the soil surface until V6 ... of the growing point (usually located ½ in to 3/4 in below the soil surface) by splitting seedlings ...

  7. Future Weather Predictions

    be normal to a week later than normal as soil moisture is good and increasing chance for rain by late ...

  8. Mid to Late June Prevented Planting Decisions

    of planting a corn crop. He or she has applied nutrients and some input costs He or she needs feed ... need to be factored into the equation. However, a maintenance charge of $25/acre is included to manage ...

  9. LeJeune working with U.N. to combat antibiotic resistance

    Jeffrey LeJeune, head of the college's  Food Animal Health Research Program, is in the midst ... LeJeune said. The plan calls for increases in research, surveillance and monitoring, among other action ... conducting some cutting-edge research, LeJeune said. The national action plan also calls for increases in ...

  10. Ohio's Manure Science Review

    management. Continuing ed credits available.  2017 MSR Flyer Manure ...
