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Western Bean Cutworm: Adult Moth Catches Continue to Increase in Northeast Ohio
describes the color coding on map for the average WBC per county. Scouting and management. Scouting for egg ...
CD Wire- August 21, 2012
invest our resources. Our next opportunity to meet face to face is September 26-27 at the Fleming Falls ... 20 rooms available for our use. CD funds will cover the cost of your lodging (for double occupancy). ... points by tying your ‘nugget’ back to the ‘Strengths’ learned at our January 2012 face to face meeting. ...
CD Wire- March 4, 2014
Previously we focused on expanding our efforts to communicate program activities and impact with the much ... larger world networked via social media. We’ve also discussed the need to grow our non-traditional ... us to better address both of these areas? Look at item number 17 on the list below: A plan for our ...
Winterkill of Italian Ryegrass Stands
annual and Italian ryegrass on 16 September 2013 at the Western Agricultural Research Center near South ... 21 varieties appeared to be dead or mostly dead at this point in time. Marshall, which has been our ...
Corn Earworm Making an Unpleasant Late-Season Appearance; Watch for Molds
debate how well corn earworm can overwinter in most parts of Ohio, and the majority of our population ...
Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn
Pollen of a given plant rarely fertilizes all the silks of the same plant. Under field conditions 97% or ...
Dangers of Harvesting and Grazing Certain Forages Following a Frost
on the leaves and twigs. Plants growing under high nitrogen levels or in soils deficient in ... when grazing stands having mostly grass. The safest management is to wait a few days after a killing ...
Ohio State, Punjab Agricultural University Help Train Kenyan Graduate Students in Agribusiness
and administrators from OSU, along with colleagues at PAU, initiated a project managed by the United ... of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management at Egerton University, led the discussion on ... pertaining to business management, but the final completed business plans and the certificate of completion ...
Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008
Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008. Publication covers specifics of soybean rust ... identification and management. General section of the publication cover the use of fungicide sin general for ...
Assessing the risk of frost injury to late maturing corn
average because of late planting (the result of persistent rains and excessively wet soils that delayed ... the corn crop. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University has summarized research findings from Indiana and ... black layer, R6). This research was conducted at two locations in Indiana (west central and southeast) ...