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Healthy Ground, Healthy Atmosphere: Recarbonizing the Earth's Soils
Nancy Averett writes about science and the environment from Cincinnati, OH. Her work has been published in Pacific Standard, Audubon, Discover, E/The Environmental Magazine, and a variety of other publications. O n a bright October morning Dave Brandt tr ...
Ohio AgritoursimReady Conference
Hosted by OSU and Wright & Moore. ...
Ohio Cane-Fruit Pruning Workshop
Hosted by Gary Gao & Dave Scurlock. ...
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training
Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition
selected the front of the historic homestead. At this point, they also decided that our students would be ...
Carmen Help
are many detailed functions to manage grades in Carmen. Please see the detailed information about ...
Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI
learned about the opening in ATI’s admissions office. She ran into ATI’s enrollment manager at a college ...
Community Development
included within an urban area. The Economic Research Service provides additional information on rural ...
Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016
Olympics was in 1996 in Atlanta, so we are hoping that 2016 will be our year to go,” Scherer said. Scherer ...
Alternative Best Management Practices for Agricultural Drainage Channels
Presented by Jon Witter. ...