
Search results

  1. Western Bean Cutworm 2017 Trapping and Monitoring Summary

    you are interested in joining our trapping network for the 2018 season, please contact Amy Raudenbush ...

  2. Symptoms of Early Maturity in Some Fields in Ohio

    fall.  Knowing what your SCN numbers are is critical to management and knowing what crop should go in ... that field in 2016. 3. Phytophthora stem rot – yes, Phytophthora stem rot is popping up in our ... there that are relying too much on the  Rps  genes to carry the load and our  P. sojae  populations are ...

  3. AEDE at the 2014 Southern Regional Science Association Meeting

    marked the 53 rd annual meeting of the SRSA and was attended by more than 100 researchers studying ... research related to regional and spatial analysis. AEDE faculty member Mark Partridge, chair of the C. ... his research " International Trade and Local Labor Markets: Are Foreign and Domestic Shocks ...

  4. Crawford on Farm Research and efields night

    What  we’ll  cover: 2018 eFields report    Corn seeding rate Soybean seeding rate Corn nitrogen rate Nitrogen Timing Planting Equipment Settings ...

  5. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location or 330-202-3529 Soybean Insects Research Cooperator Opportunity ...

  6. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    research, teaching and outreach within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  In ... Research’ In addition to an analysis of school choice programs in Ohio, the policy brief also provides an ... research regarding school choice,” Rembert said. “Economists have taken that data and are looking at these ...

  7. Students present sustainability projects at EPN Breakfast

    Nine student research teams from The Ohio State University presented their projects at the April ...

  8. Acceleron® Challenge – I lost

    our recommendations for the 2015 season for those areas in the state that have the highest disease ... with the 0.375 fl oz/cwt combined with pyraclostrobin was enough to manage  Phytophthora sojae  and ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-24

    from Cornell, Ohio State University and North Carolina State University. From the Pesticide Management ... irresponsible adults and animals. From North Carolina State ( – this ... soybeans for 5-6 years based on our experience. Thus, we still have much to learn about it to come up with ...

  10. What’s the Value of an Agricultural Economics Degree? The Answer: a 98.7% Chance that You’ll have a Job after Graduation

    have constant demand from recruiters for our agribusiness graduates.” The findings from the NACE survey ... researchers found that students who studied in more generalized agricultural fields were more economically ... analysis, the researchers discovered that a large number of the alumni worked in fields outside of the ...
