
Search results

  1. For the Birds

    The few places that are available, however, the birds will find. Management practices such as having ...

  2. New Information on Feeding Behavior and Intake by Lactating Cows

    Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) annual meeting, several presentations were given on management ...

  3. Ohio State ASM Club Attends 2016 Grain Elevator and Processors Society (GEAPS) Exchange in Austin, TX

    provides to network with potential employers for our students."-Brandon Gustwiller   The student team ...

  4. 2016 Dairy Margin Protection Program Decision Time-Clock Winding Down

    Ms. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Farm Management Specialist, The Ohio State University Extension We are ...

  5. Awards

    Loghavi 2004 Kerry Hughes FABE Graduate Research Award 2014 PhD: Lauren Slutzky, MS: Siam Racharaks 2013 ...

  6. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Demo

    technology can give farmers a birds-eye-view of their operation, and allow them to make crucial management ...

  7. ASABE Resume Review with Abbott Nutrition

    event will be from 6-7pm in Ag Engineering 219, right before our next ASABE meeting which is January 28 ...

  8. Grain Bin Preparation

    Grain harvest is fast approaching and given our current market situation, it is likely that this ...

  9. Heat and Colostrum, Friend and Foe

    that colostrum is harvested and handled as cleanly as possible. *A list of research references is ...

  10. Feed Sorting and Acidosis

    a semi-regular schedule, recent research that is interesting (at least to us) and may have direct application to ...
