
Search results

  1. Crop Walk: Soybean Insects (Champaign Co)

    Join Dr. Kelley Tilmon as she identifies soybean insects and discusses management strategies. This ...

  2. USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers

    open for two additional hours, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. “Our hotline provides a valuable service in ... hotline open an additional two hours, we are expanding our reach to allow more consumers, including those ... and Poultry Hotline has answered more than 3 million calls since its inception. “Our hotline staff are ...

  3. Small Grains Field Day (Wayne)

    Topics:  Wheat Disease ID and Management  Wheat Breeding: Developing Disease Resistant Varieties ...

  4. Weather Update

    temperatures and delayed freeze risk this fall. Wetter than normal soil moisture will mean night time minimum ...

  5. HEAL MAPPS Community Involvement

    Participatory Photographic Surveys, or HEAL MAPPS TM, is a community-based research process that uses ... community‐based participatory research (CBPR) to accomplish two objectives: (1) document attributes of the ... healthy food access. The OSU research team and mappers developed a presentation for the community using ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-29

    Stands GVM West Field Day, September 2 Northern Ohio Farm Management Luncheon September 14, 2009 ... this time in the growing cycle, the most important manageable factor that will influence the ... indicator of when to begin sampling fields to measure whole plant dry matter. Based on our data and ...

  7. Agricultural Tax Issues Webinar with questions. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  8. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    Laptops, iPads, iPods, smart phones and other technological gadgets seem to be taking over our ... their cell phones.  This new technology can be a powerful tool altering our families and affecting the ... it steals our attention and is often an individual pursuit. Sherry Turkle, in her book Alone ...

  9. Pesticide Applicator Field Day- Champaign Co.

    Management hours. Topics and Speakers: Adjuvants, sprayer calibration and drift: Amanda Douridas and Mary ... Griffith Corn disease management: Dr. Pierce Paul Insects in forages: Dr. Marc Sulc Grain bin fumigation ...

  10. Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day

    Program Spend time looking over ongoing disease research trials. Hear about new and current ...
