
Search results

  1. Ohio Agricultural Law Symposium is June 23-24

    attorney who will discuss protecting the farm client’s business by managing contracts, intellectual ...

  2. L. Zhao

    1-5:30 pm starting from June 20? I will let you know if our group meeting schedule is changed when autumn ...

  3. Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling, Columbus

    Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling, part of the Climate Explorations series, ...

  4. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Network breakfast program at The Ohio State University. Joe Mendelson, Zoo Atlanta’s research director, ...

  5. Tech Lab Lights a Spark in Hardin County

    and promote and share it using our remote video conferencing capability,” he said. “And they can do it ...

  6. Ohio State University to Offer Lamb Marketing Course Dec. 17-18

    management, environmental, nutritional, and genetic factors that contribute to muscle quality deficiencies, he ...

  7. Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling, Columbus

    Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling, part of the Climate Explorations series, ...

  8. Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference, Mansfield

    land managers with up-to-date information on relevant natural resource issues. Registration is $60 by ...

  9. CSAW (Chainsaw Safety Awareness That Works) Level 2 Training, Mansfield

    buck felled timber, manage storm damage and maintain trails. Registration is $100 for Ohio Forestry ...

  10. Fresh Produce Safety Training Set for Portage, Stark, Cuyahoga Counties

    managers of farmers markets may have some expectations for farmers to have been trained in GAPs or to have ...
