
Search results

  1. Students are "First and Foremost"

    at Ohio State University shares some of the accomplishments of our students with those attending the ...

  2. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    have an excellent “Meat Goat Management” workshop  set up for Friday, March 11 from 1-5 p.m. at the ... Management” This will also be offered during the same time taught by Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension ...

  3. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    have an excellent “Meat Goat Management” workshop  set up for Friday, March 11 from 1-5 p.m. at the ... Management” This will also be offered during the same time taught by Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension ...

  4. State Fair Renovations Prompt New Times, Locations for 2015 Non-livestock 4-H Competitions

    2016, said Allen Auck, program manager for 4-H events and activities. As a result, the state fair needs ...

  5. Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Crop Program Decisions ...

  6. OSU Extension to Offer Webinar March 18 on ACRE and DCP Programs

    possible,” Bruynis said. “Our goal is to provide factual information in an open way to help growers know how ...

  7. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  8. Ohio State University to Offer Year-end Tax Tips for Farmers at Nov. 4 Workshop

    think of taxes as a risk management tool, and encourage people to think and plan ahead rather than at ...

  9. Women in Agriculture Conference is March 28

    agriculture side," Neikirk said. "So our goal was to provide a venue where we could bring women in ...

  10. Dami's Research Recognized Nationally

    Dami and his group were recognized for their research and published article on ice wines and ...
