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Study: Spreading gypsum on farms can help keep water clean, not green
plants. Gypsum also provides calcium and sulfur, nutrients that can improve the soil and crop yields. ... Gypsum, which has roots in the past as a farm soil treatment, also may have a bright future, and ... into a three-year study of gypsum’s benefits on farms, including to soil quality, crop yields and ...
Field to Faucet making strides in improving Ohio’s water quality
address the water quality problem and accelerate our research to reduce the amount of nutrients coming off ... nutrient runoff in side-by-side fields, each under different management systems. To contact the source: Jay ... initiative includes research, training and education, all designed to ensure safe drinking water while ...
Research Resources
OARDC's Research Profile Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in ... agriculture. Research activities are emerging from departmental and college silos and occurring within ... Collaboration and partnership are the watchwords for the future and through these, solutions to our greatest ...
Water Quality
fertilizer in the soil where crops can use it and to apply only what is needed for growing crops. ... algal blooms plaguing Lake Erie and other bodies of water in recent years. Researchers at The Ohio State ...
Introductory Workshop on Aquaculture and Aquaponics
a marriage of two systems – aquaculture and hydroponics,” he said. “Nutrient-rich fish wastewater fertilizes ... Ohio needs more fish farmers, and researchers at the Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and ... Introduction to pond and RAS Business planning for new aquaculture/aquaponics ventures Water quality management ...
And now for a really big show: See latest ag tech, innovations
latest research on improving a farm’s bottom line, said Chuck Gamble, manager of the show, which is ... research arm. “When you talk about technology and innovation, that’s what farmers are looking for and what ... advance their farm operations. “We’ll offer information on new markets, such as growing hops to locally ...
Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water
in terms of phosphorus runoff. Data is being collected on soils, farmers’ management practices, and ... that farmers use to predict phosphorus runoff from their fields, know their management options and ... index more accurate and to increase farmers’ management options for reducing phosphorus runoff, said ...
Scarlet, gray make a brownfield green: OARDC team turns waste into soil
pathogens and full of nutrients that help plants grow. In this case, the sewage came from Chicago’s sanitary ... sewer system. In test plots at the site, a biosolids-based soil blend made by Basta and team worked ... better than a wood-chip-based compost at supporting plants and beneficial soil organisms. The slag is ...
Wooster Science Building
1600 Wilson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 Wooster Science Building The facility houses the research ...
Meet the hoopers: OARDC scientists spur high-tunnel use, a low-cost way to grow more food
used OARDC’s high tunnel research to increase our impact by providing high-quality produce for more ... months of the year,” said Dana Hilfinger (pictured in the video and above on the right), farm manager for ... our produce earlier in the season,” she said, “generating more revenue to support our mission and ...