
Search results

  1. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    before planting so that soil pH, organic matter and nutrient status can be modified for the production of ... lime and fertilizer. For best results, sample soils 6- to 8-inches deep every two to three years. Plant ... and managing insects and diseases. Those unable or unwilling to do these things should not attempt to ...

  2. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    Example Soil Test Results Table 2. Nutrient and Fertilizer Recommendation Worksheet with Desirable pH and ... to understand their amount and potential impact on nutrient management. For example, the fertilizer ... a soil test result and tables found in the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, ...

  3. Fall Color Change in Ohio

    nutrients so they can be utilized by soil organisms and taken back up by the trees. Conifer needles, unlike ... the production of carotenoid pigments within the leaves. Soil moisture also plays a part in fall ... be an adaptation to growing on poor sites and aids in water and nutrient retention in the tree. As ...

  4. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    it will be pared. Do not soak; soaking might cause the fruit to lose flavor and nutrients. Handle ...

  5. Forest and Urban Tree Pathology and Disease Management

    primarily to professionals in the tree care industry, including arborists, landscapers, forest managers, and ...

  6. Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District Ag Crops and Livestock phosphorus soil fertility nutrient management water quality Agriculture and ... Nutrient Use in Ohio section “Determining P 2 O 5 Available from Fertilizer and Manure” were used to ... Nutrient Availability: Fertilizer Annual fertilizer P 2 O 5 use has declined statewide by 69,000 tons or ...

  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ...

  8. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Fall 2024 Course Franklin County

    Canvas online course management system Be 18 years old or older; Complete a short presentation; ... Soils 5:30—8:00 PM  Thursday, October 10: Climate and Weather 10:00—3:00 PM Tuesday, October 15: Water ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches

    Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2020. Revised ...

  10. Understanding Value in Lime

    Maurice Watson, Extension Soil Fertility Specialist, The Ohio State University For many years we have ... 1,286 lbs/ton Product 2: has an ENP of 1,702 lbs/ton The cost of each product is $15/ton. If our soil ... our application rate. Buffer capacity (buffer pH) or cation exchange capacity of the soil best ...
