
Search results

  1. Moldy Grain, Vomitoxin Contamination Putting a Damper on Record Ohio Corn Yields

    plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that producers ...

  2. Livestock Insurance Program Could Aid Struggling Dairy Producers

    holds an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "For some farmers, ...

  3. Two Ohio 4-H'ers Receive National Recognition

    a million dollars in events across Ohio for arthritis research. Although the organization was doing a lot of ...

  4. New Changes to APV Laws. Get the Details at Farm Science Review

    University Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. It attracts upwards of ...

  5. A Snapshot of Migration: How one Mexican village is benefiting from its impacts

    recounts how the progression toward a better life began. "In the 1980s, people from our community in ...

  6. Hog Industry Issues Addressed At Upcoming Conference

    information presented at the 2003 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference helpful in making a management ...

  7. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    forget how grateful we were for helping us in our hour of need." Contributions to the endowed ...

  8. Boosting Soybean Yield/Profits Involves a Mix of Management Practices

    April 16, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Careful incorporation of inoculants, fungicide seed treatments and reduced seeding rates into a crop production program may give soybean farmers a boost in yield and extra money in their pockets at the end of the growing sea ...

  9. Meet our Faculty & Staff

