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Fall Weed Control Odds and Ends
of this occur in our investigations of Palmer amaranth. The wiser choice where these weeds are ...
Beyond the Law of Supply and Demand for Forages
forages available. Current research in the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU has shed some light on the ...
Tri-state Yield Monitor Workshop
work for you Precision Ag Technology for On‐Farm Research Yield Monitors—basics of calibration and ...
Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection
fertility in the herd and ultimately result in greater economic benefits. ...
Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting
early to mid May. In our research plots, we appear to have as good a winter annual population as we ...
Pollinators and Planting
cold winter of 2014-2015. Here in Wooster we lost more than half of our colonies, and beekeepers ... While no spectacular bee-kills were observed in our colonies, we did observe a significant increase in ...
Feeding Glycerol to Dairy Cattle
studies, as well as some other published research, we can conclude that glycerol has value as a feed ... for animal feed. So, additional research is going to be needed to determine the variation in ...
are in many of these fields (photo). Keep in mind, the economic threshold to manage soybean aphid is ...
Environmental Streptococcal Mastitis
in peak lactation. Therefore, the use of management practices that encourage the use of extended ...
A New Income Tax Deduction
Mr. Don Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima The American Jobs ...