
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-32

    Late-Planted Wheat After Soybeans? Managing Black Cutworms with Fall Herbicide Applications Using Flat ... of pest management on these crops. Let’s look at corn first, which will be followed within a few ... densities of adults feeding on silks in August. Suffice it to say that our rootworm populations, which we ...

  2. Cold Weather and Wheat Injury

    jointing when the growing point is above the soil surface. Currently in Ohio, most wheat is between the ... the soil surface and is somewhat protected by the vegetation. Injury is most severe when wheat is at ...

  3. Using Residual Herbicides in Tilled Soybean Fields

    and Palmer amaranth, and apparently also redroot pigweed based on our latest greenhouse screens.  ... large-seeded broadleaf weeds are most easily managed with a combination of residual and POST herbicides.  The ... yield loss due to weeds.  Omit them from your weed management program at your own risk. ...

  4. Twisted Wheat: Cold temperatures or herbicide damage?

    In our limited research on this, we have not observed yield loss from 2,4-D applied prior to early ... cold tolerance with each growth stage.  In our current freeze study, wheat plants were collected from ...

  5. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” ... consequences of their money management decisions in a hands-on way. As students move from booth to booth, they ...

  6. Secrest Arboretum 24th Annual Plant Sale

    Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., in Wooster. Admission is free and open to the public. ... event’s organizer. “Our silent auction this year is full of unique plants, some with very interesting ... plant for kids Proceeds from the sale and auctions will support research, education and outreach programs in ...

  7. Food Evolution Screening

    From Academy Award®-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy (THE GARDEN, FAME HIGH, OT: OUR TOWN) and ... wrestles with the emotions and the evidence driving one of the most heated arguments of our time. Enlisting ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-28

    during growth stages late R5-R6 is a unique concern because as of yet, researchers have not been able to ... inspection of kernel development stages in research plots at the Western Agricultural Research Station near ... at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station near Custar, corn planted the second week of May was ...

  9. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  10. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...
