
Search results

  1. Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13

    amounts or quality of data being managed, and requirements that a grower must purchase additional services ...

  2. Feeding Corn Stover to Ruminants

    % 1.5 4.3 7.2 7.6 1 DM = Dry matter, CP = crude protein, TDN = total digestible nutrients, ME ...

  3. Corn Production-Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection

    discussing  Optimizing Corn Yields-Assessing the Contribution of Key Agronomic Management Factors. The second ...

  4. 2013 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest – Program Continues to Expand

    University to experience the process of evaluating management practices on a dairy farm and to interact with ... a partnership among Fred Hendren and his two sons. Dale Hendren and his son, Michael, manage the dairy farm. The ...

  5. 2016 Ag Outlook Meeting- Greenville

    Ward, Asst. Professor, OSU Extension Production Business Management Matt Roberts, Asst. Professor, OSU ...

  6. Workshop on Responsible Antibiotic Use for Dairy Herd Health

    The workshop will provide hands-on training to dairy producers, managers, and dairy farm employees to ...

  7. The Dairy NRC 2001 Lives On

    still use the 2001 National Research Council (NRC) computer model to evaluate diets for dairy cattle; ...

  8. Soybean Sites Needed for Pollinator Sampling

    and research on soybean, corn, wheat, alfalfa, and other field crops. Soybean Growth and Development ...

  9. U.S. Dairy Update: Exports and Policy Top the List

    production in the U.S. was just over 150 billion pounds, our exports totaled 4.5% of production.  At that ... combination of programs, there would be no need for a supply management program, one of the more contentious ...

  10. Who's Who

    Lanny is taking new responsibilities as Sales Manager for Western Reserve Farm Cooperative. His ...
