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  1. AFA Leaders Conference Application Assistance

    application. Please feel free to attend our application assistance session on Thursday, September 3 from ...

  2. All American Quarter Horse Congress

    Quarter Congress will be here before you know it. Our equine folks will be should you! ...

  3. Eastridge Receives Purdue Alumni Award

    His primary responsibilities include teaching, Extension, and research in dairy cattle nutrition. He ... "Dr. Eastridge has maintained recognizable achievement in research, with 27 publications in ...

  4. OSU Agribusiness Club Banquet

    Ward,  AEDE Assistant Extension Professor and Leader, Production Business Management, held its end of ...

  5. Freedom to Farm, Changes in Planted Acres, and Policy Observations

    in 2 aspects of managing a farm that resulted from the so-called "Freedom to Farm" ... the management flexibility of U.S. farms. Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Zulauf- Freedom to Farm and Acreage ...

  6. Sombrero Ranches Summer Internship

    Each year, several of our stables hire people from around the country to come spend a summer in ...

  7. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program defines 2013-14 Request for Proposal Process

    education, promotional, and research programs.  This is the fourth year for this RFP type of funding which ...

  8. Workshop on CV Writing

    An OARDC Scholars Workshop Dr. Dan Herms, speaker 130 Research Services, Wooster For students, ...

  9. Gina Hnytka, Outstanding AEDE Undergrads Recognized at Annual CFAES Banquet

    Sustainability (EEDS) programs Gina Hnytka, Program Manager for the EEDS major and AEDE’s undergraduate and ...

  10. Twenty Years of Combined Animal Sciences!

    Agriculture at the time of the reorganization, "The driving force behind this plan is enhancing our ... ability to attract and adequately serve students, to better meet the needs of our external clients and to ...
