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Perceptions of Electricity and Water Use, Columbus
video link to 123 Williams Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison ...
“How Well Do Ecosystem Characteristics Predict Bird Abundance at the Landscape Spatial Scale?”
video link to 123 Williams Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison ...
Discount registration deadline for Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference March 4, Mansfield
Mansfield. The course provides Ohio natural resource professionals and land managers with up-to-date ...
School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series, Columbus
Chytridiomycosis-related Extinctions: Lessons from Panama” by Brian Gratwicke, research scientist with the Smithsonian ...
Study Abroad
Study abroad and make the world your classroom and return forever changed. Our year-round programs ...
OSU Economist: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Benefit the U.S. Agriculture Sector
Economic Research Service estimates that TPP will result in a 6.6 percent increase in agricultural trade by ...
Faculty Mentor Spotlight: Timothy Volk
are outside their specific field of study and academic research. If you could pass on any wisdom to ...
'Much to Gain' by Boosting Outdoor Recreation in Ohio: Discussion Dec. 9
improve our environment,” Hanselmann said. “They’ll gain an understanding of past and current ...
Safe Handling of Pesticides on the Farm
near food, seed, feed, fertilizers or other products that can become contaminated.- Always store ...
Farm Bill: Producers Still Have Time to Enroll in Dairy Program
student working with Thraen and now senior director, Economic Research, National Milk Producers ...