
Search results

  1. 2011 Dairy Farm Business Analysis- The time is now!

    did your farm do? You surely have a general sense... you were either pre-paying to manage income tax ... they monitor individual enterprise profitability, develop and monitor risk management plans, and look ... enhance their farm’s financial and risk management. We invite and encourage you to participate in ...

  2. Reduce the Risk of a Combine Fire

    twitter feed.  On our recent CORN newsletter conference call, several Extension Educators mentioned seeing ...

  3. Impact of Human-Animal Interactions on Farm Animal Behavior, Welfare, and Productivity

    research in a number of livestock industries around the world has identified the impact of the interactions ... Training of stockpeople as professional managers of animals has generally been ignored. In recognition of ...

  4. Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938

    topic follows a "bolt & nut approach'' to crop management and is presented and ...

  5. A Great Success!

    consumers and how marketing of dairy products will be key to the future of our industry. A survey was ...

  6. Health and Animal Well-Being

    Johne’s Disease:  What Have we Learned from our Demonstration Herd Project? Dr. William Shulaw, ...

  7. Weed Identification Resources

    descriptions, sketches, and pictures. Our top picks, in order of preference are:  Weeds Of the Northeast, Weeds ... Management- specialized list of species Federal Noxious Weeds Key by USDA- seed and fruit for the hardcore ID ...

  8. Nutrition

    from this year’s crop.  This article provides suggestions on managing this year’s corn silage. Frost ...

  9. Western Bean Cutworm Flight is Increasing

    Our trap counts of Western bean cutworm (WBC) adults have been on the rise during the last week, ... and will likely increase until the end of July.  Just like in previous years, our hotspots for western ...

  10. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    515 in attendance and a record number of exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on feeding management ...
