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  1. Money for Business Conference

    Options USDA Programs Raising Capital through Angels and Crowdfunding Our Keynote Speaker will feature ...

  2. Orchard Sprayer Field Day

    materials in the most effective and cost efficient manner? Orchard owners, managers, employees and anyone ...

  3. Duty Area E:

    CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area E: Maintain Equipment & Facilities     Inspect ...

  4. Aquaculture Research Achievements and Impacts 2014

    By: Hanping Wang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist Summary of Achievements: In 2014, in ... collaborations with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center ... Battelle, and several international institutions, we accomplished ten research studies and projects ...

  5. Market View

    contracts, found that they could not do so at the October sale date.  This was due to USDA Risk Management ... to the dairy website by selecting "Programs and Research / Ohio Dairy Web".  The new AEDE ...

  6. Handling and Transporting Neonatal Calves

    now become a routine management practice on many dairy farms. Heifer calves are frequently moved off ... for veal or dairy-beef production. Research suggests that handling and transport can be a severe ... or off trucks, all represent totally unacceptable ways of managing young calves. Loading and ...

  7. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization.  It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants ...

  8. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization.  It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants ...

  9. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization.  It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...

  10. Policy-making and Regulations Links

    collaborates globally to conserve lands and waters upon which all people depend; acquire/manage lands) ... (saves wildlife and wild places, manages >200 million acres globally and 5 parks/zoos in NYC; policy ...
