
Search results

  1. Utilizing Genomic Selection to Accelerate the Pace of Developing FHB Resistant Wheat Varieties

    (Tritfcum aestfvum L) ano other cereals. one Important aspect for managing FHB in wheat Is breeding tor ...

  2. ‘Toledo was a wakeup call’: Dean announces new water quality initiative

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, of which OARDC is the research arm. “Just over a month ago, the city ...

  3. Mill Creek Watershed Partnership

    has obtained a ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to develop a comprehensive community ... Storm water Management Facility in Warrenville Heights, Ohio, by all watershed communities. 04110002 ...

  4. Beaver Creek Wetlands Association

    forests and prairies. BCWA promotes the use of these protected areas for education, research and ...

  5. Maumee RAP

    Ohio requirements for a watershed action plan, with attention to the nonpoint source management ... measures of the Ohio Coastal Management Plan, and consideration of TMDL and Natural Resource Damage ...

  6. Heptachlor

    Heptachlor may be released directly to the soil in connection with its use. It has also been found in treated ...

  7. Chromium

    naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic dust, humans and animals. The most common forms of chromium ...

  8. Monday Creek Restoration Project

    wastewater, sedimentation and illegally-dumped trash. Our most recent restoration project was the installation ...

  9. Little Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River Advisory Council

    constructing outdoor classrooms or land labs. The Watershed Management Plan was completed and approved in 2012. ...

  10. Nutrient Management & Placement Field Day

