
Search results

  1. Butler County Local Foods

    and raised humanely before harvest, as well as, where and how the produce our family eats was grown ... becoming more widely understood and accepted, as research and marketing campaigns are more widespread.  We ... know that the combination of nutrients and phytonutrients likely play a role to reduce the risk of ...

  2. 2018 Ohio Wheat Performance Test

    within two weeks of the fly-free date. Due to poor soil conditions, wheat was planted in Marion and Darke ...

  3. Wet Weather Ahead

    now every several days. With clay type soils and reduced evaporation this could lead to standing water ...

  4. Two New Products Available for Twospotted Spider Mite Management (One for Each Spot)

    are newly labeled for spider mite management in soybean and/or some types of corn:  Agri-Mek from ... trials with both of them in northwestern Ohio.  Thanks to all of our readers who helped identify suitable ...

  5. Communicating With Your Landowner Meeting November 15

    Click here …..  for more information. Farm Management ...

  6. West Ohio Agronomy Day (Evening Portion)- Ft. Loramie

    Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits (Core and Categories 1, 2, and 6) and Fertilizer Applicator ...

  7. Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides

    assume that it is always possible to use an adjuvant once corn has emerged.- Based on our research with ... this type of approach to herbicide management, it can be more effective to wait to apply until the ... being applied POST in the south already as part of the “overlapping residual” strategy for management of ...

  8. Ohio Department of Agriculture: dicamba use in Ohio ends June 30, 2020

    dicamba-based products expire on that day. As we’ve explained in our previous blog posts  here   and  here,  the ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-16

    on managing wheat diseases with fungicides, please refer to the following C.O.R.N newsletter ... Our predicted risk for soybean rust in Ohio for 2008 is very, very, very low. Ohio’s early planted ... these tools and depend on these tools at times to manage epidemics caused by fungi – we thought this ...

  10. Trapped and Distorted Wheat Head

    severe enough to break the rachis and prevent the flow of water and nutrients to the upper-most ... grain. Once the heads remain green and healthy and water and nutrients still travel up the stem to the ...
