
Search results

  1. Farm to Fork Food Dialogues

    in biotech research and crop production.  There is no cost to attend and a FREE catered dinner will ...

  2. Nimishillin Creek Watershed Partners

    year round from our office in downtown Canton, Ohio. We are concerned about the health of all the ... creeks and rivers in our county. The Nimishillen Creek and its tributaries are under assault by rampant ...

  3. Financial Literacy- Money Management

    Learn how to create a budget, improve your credit and correct errors on your credit report. Workshops are scheduled for April 2 & April 9, May 7 & May 14, June 4 & June 11. Participants must attend both workshops in a given month to receive a ...

  4. Human Dimensions

    effectively to manage and protect water resources on a watershed scale. Learn how to develop more effective ...

  5. How can we recruit more Latino students in agriculture?

    future of our society and will have the potential to impact agriculture. Given the rapidly changing ...

  6. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene

    other organic chemicals; as a solvent; in wood preservatives; in abrasives. It was once used as a soil ...

  7. Lindane

    used as a dip for fleas and lice on pets, and livestock, for soil treatment, on the foliage of fruit ...

  8. Chlordane

    Chlordane may persist for long periods of time in air, soil and water. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink ...

  9. Watershed Management

    Learn more about watershed management efforts in Ohio and how organizations, agencies, and ...

  10. Upcoming Opportunity- OSU Environmental Professionals Network

    January 26th: Adaptive, Resilient Land Management Goals for the 21st Century.  Three national thought ...
