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Ohio Woodland Stewards Forest Health: Non-native Invasive Insects
changing the way their woodland landscape looks or how they manage it. This class will help landowners ...
IRB Training for Undergraduates
with human subjects or their data in their research in 253 Denney Hall. Doing research that involves ...
How are We to Live in Our Common Home? Reflections on Laudato Si, Pope Francis' Encyclical on Ecology
Ecology at Mershon Auditorium. His presentation will be How are We to Live in Our Common Home? Reflections ... encyclical calls for renewed and urgent action and honest dialogue about our environment, both social and ...
SENR Student Observation: Comeback kids? Bobwhites seen in Columbus
Columbus, Department of Public Utilities, Watershed Management Section. I’m currently responsible for land ...
Ohio's Invasive Species Seminar Series
don't impact just our trees. This seminar will focus on the impacts non-native invasives have on ... wildlife and the wood products our woodlands produce. Registration is $15. Register now online Each ...
Social Media 101 Workshop for Friends, Volunteers, and Master Gardeners
Program Manager, Trish Clark to learn how you can stay connected and become adept at social media. This is ...
CFAES Forestry Students to Sell Christmas Trees Dec. 5-8
the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “This is our largest ... wildlife and specializing in forestry. “It gives us opportunities to not only fund our club activities but ...
Exploring the Oceans with Dr. Robert Ballard
researcher, was instrumental in the discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and communities- arguably one of ...
Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River
a film for our time: an invitation to consider crazy ideas that could transform the world for the better. ...
Economics of Modern Energy Boomtowns: Do Oil and Gas Shocks Differ from Shocks in the Rest of the Economy?
intensified interest in how the expanding oil and gas sector affects local economic performance. Research has ...