
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- February 25, 2013

    for a number of well-established programs throughout Ohio and give great opportunity for many of our ... Applications should address an opportunity or pressing need for applied research and/or new or revised ... embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs ...

  2. Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?

    mosquito population and resistance management is critical. Another approach to adult mosquito control is to ...

  3. City of Kent

    Comprehensive Plan. It was the desire of the elected officials in cooperation with the City Manager to create ...

  4. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    selected the front of the historic homestead. At this point, they also decided that our students would be ...

  5. Carmen Help

    are many detailed functions to manage grades in Carmen. Please see  the detailed information about ...

  6. Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI

    learned about the opening in ATI’s admissions office. She ran into ATI’s enrollment manager at a college ...

  7. Stress Management

    Learn and practice strategies to reduce stress based on mindfulness techniques. ...

  8. Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016

    Olympics was in 1996 in Atlanta, so we are hoping that 2016 will be our year to go,” Scherer said. Scherer ...

  9. Bill Mead '81: Career proves value of two-year degree

    Don’t tell Bill Mead that it takes a bachelor’s degree or beyond to attain an upper management ...

  10. Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Farm Science Review

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...
