
Search results

  1. Teacher at Sea: Stone Lab's Greene to sail with NOAA

    ahead of time with research about the species with which I will be working, the North Atlantic right ...

  2. Ohio State, led by CFAES, wins Environmental March Madness

    very excited to be recognized as national champion and are especially proud of our exceptional academic ...

  3. Narrator Interest

    management by the entire committee. If committee work is not completed in a timely manner, the entire ...

  4. Internship archives

    Pathology, received a third place Team Research Award for her work with Sally A. Miller and Fulya ...

  5. 2012 Western ARS Agronomy Field Day

    – Western Agricultural Research Station. Pre-registration required. http ...

  6. Sunday Alumni Social

    Martyn signing our commemorative artwork.                         Above left, several of our current ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- March 11, 2013

    When you are ready to report, I encourage you to do so in what is probably the one-best place: our new ... tuned! April 3 CD Unit Meeting Please plan to attend our CD Unit Meeting on April 3 to share, learn, and ... opportunities and challenges through research-based educational programming. For additional information, ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team Places at the North American International Dairy Judging Contest

    our 4-H team claimed many honors when the trophies and ribbons were presented at the recognition ...

  9. CFAES Library renovation set to begin

    wheelchairbound don't have full access to the library in our college." In partnership with OSU Libraries ...

  10. Boehm Lab

    turfgrass pathology subjects. Dr. Angela Orshinsky Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2012) Hometown: Fenwick, ... research investigated the effect of a mitochondrial virus, Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a on the physiology of the ... Researcher Hometown: Bangalore, India Ph.D., Microbiology, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology ...
