
Search results

  1. Foliar Fungicide Application in Field Corn- A 2014 Update

    in stressed corn? Answer 3.  I know of no research data showing conclusively that fungicides lead to ... all exposed to the same set of weather, soil, and crop production conditions. In addition, such ... fungicide to pay for itself. Over the last three years, our data have shown that when fungicides are applied ...

  2. What’s Legal to Apply to the LL-GT27 Soybean – The (maybe almost) Final Story

    Cutting to the quick, our conclusion was that because it was legal to apply the mixture since both ... would not be legal to apply to the LL-GT27 soybean. Our not exhaustive search through glyphosate product ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-06

    Arnold (Nutrient Management Field Specialist), Roger Bender, ret. (Shelby), Mark Koenig (Sandusky), Ed ... week of April.  We will be getting our new climate model runs for the spring into summer this week and ... weed management in Ohio. Several counties made the Ohio and Indiana Weed Control Guide available at ...

  4. Workshop: Commercializing Biobased Products

    technologies and products. The workshop will bring together representatives from industry, research, and others ...

  5. Farm Science Review 2014: Plan your show

    those demonstrations include corn and soybean harvesting, tillage, nutrient application including ...

  6. The Latest Weather Outlook

    Normal-Below Freeze Normal--------- 4 inch soil Above Above Evapotranspiration Above Above The latest two week ...

  7. Insect and Disease Field Night

    hands-on identification, training and management suggestions for late summer pests. This will be especially ...

  8. Western Bean Cutworm: Final Adult Moth Update

    who allowed us to place traps in their fields. Week ending August 25, 2018 was our final week ...

  9. 1st Generation European Corn Borer Management in non-Bt Corn

    European corn borer (ECB) was once our most important corn insect, but its population has ... control ECB (see our bulletin: ...

  10. Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm

    insecticides” and “reduce levels of mycotoxin in corn”. In all these regards, Cry1F has failed in our states. ... calls and emails, and visited numerous fields; we know that our agribusiness contacts and seed industry ... true, and our extension recommendations (including the Handy Bt Trait Table) will be changing to ...
