
Search results

  1. Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for Wildlife Conservation in an Urbanizing World

    research projects in urban areas that incorporate citizen science can help mitigate these threats of ... citizen science-based projects supporting urban bird research have the potential to build capacity for ...

  2. Honors Program

    What does the Honors experience look like in SENR? Our Honors program is flexible and diverse, so ...

  3. From Summits to Sustainability-- Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    native, he holds five engineering and management degrees from the University of Michigan and MIT.  Prior ...

  4. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field

    said  John Anderson, research associate and 4-H poultry specialist in the college’s Department of Animal ... the college’s  Food Animal Health Research Program  and a previous editor of the reference book  ... a wildlife researcher in the college’s  School of Environment and Natural Resources. “Wood ducks are the only ...

  5. ENRAS Executive Council Meeting

    members are encouraged to attend.  Our meetings are open to other ENR Alumni so bring along other ENR ...

  6. Assessing Sustainability Capstone Course

    Published on May 13, 2016 Nine student research teams from The Ohio State University presented ...

  7. Faculty member, students working on recommendations to further improve park

    Alia Dietsch, an assistant professor of Parks, Protected Areas, and Natural Resources Management ...

  8. EEOB Seminar

      The EEOB Seminar welcomes Peter Buston from Boston University. His research focuses on ... behavioral ecology, population biology, and marine ecology. His research site can be found here: ...

  9. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    Zoo, and the Wilds, a 10,000-acre conservation research facility located in Muskingum County. The ... value, and the research strength of the Ohio State University provides unlimited opportunity in education ... and research in ecosystem health, ecology and wildlife biology and medicine among other disciplines. ...

  10. Lessons from the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) a Century Ago

    a masters and doctorate in ecology from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Blockstein has conducted research ... endangered Grenada Doves in Grenada, West Indies.  He began his research on Passenger Pigeons while at the ...
