
Search results

  1. Fairfield County 4-H Day!

    questions.  Cloverbuds will have their own corner with activities too!  Some of our clubs will have ...

  2. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program defines 2013-14 Request for Proposal Process

    education, promotional, and research programs.  This is the fourth year for this RFP type of funding which ...

  3. Donations

    is already in our breeding herd. If they meet these criteria, they may be kept for several years or ... before being sold at our Buckeye Bonanza Horse Sale. We take all breeds, ages, and types. When we receive ...

  4. Twenty Years of Combined Animal Sciences!

    Agriculture at the time of the reorganization, "The driving force behind this plan is enhancing our ... ability to attract and adequately serve students, to better meet the needs of our external clients and to ...

  5. Soybean rust never sleeps … so team of scientists stands guard against it

    learned and done, including identifying management strategies, working to test and register fungicides for ...

  6. Livestock Judging Team Meeting- CANCELLED TONIGHT!!

    in the beginning because we hadn't followed the traditional route of our contemporaries. ... College. Through our involvement in the industry, we caught up fairly quickly, but there is always ...

  7. HCS Seminar Series: Screening for resistance and modes of virulence in soybean; Brown Marmorated Stinkbug interactions

    components as a mechanical barrier to stylet penetration. our results also suggest aphid resistance may ...

  8. Ohio State Fair

    Don't forget the state fair this year! Many of our faculty and staff members and students ...

  9. Experts meet at OARDC to discuss challenges, growth of U.S. bioeconomy

    A multistate research team that is working to develop America’s biobased industry — which produces ...

  10. Sombrero Ranches Summer Internship

    Each year, several of our stables hire people from around the country to come spend a summer in ...
