
Search results

  1. Student Spotlight: Alex Babinski and the Ecological Engineering Society

    stream life, and our drinking water. Rain gardens are an easy, cost-efficient way to slow and decrease ...

  2. Fall Forage Management

    soil fertility program is far and above the most critical component of your alfalfa management ... University Extension The fall is a critical time in our yearly forage management calendar. Regardless of how ... pH and soil nutrients at the recommended levels. This will facilitate rapid stand establishment, so ...

  3. George Marshall Jr.

    George Marshall Jr. Graduate Program Manager 614-688-0013 250G Ag Admin ... Graduate Program Manager role within AEDE. He has worked in higher education since 2007 starting as ...

  4. Sours receives Drake Institute grant for global sustainability instruction

    Patrick Sours is the recipient of a Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning Research and ... academic programs, elevating them to the institutional level, and improve learning experiences for our ... students support the university as a national leader in teaching, learning, and research. The grant will ...

  5. Velasquez-Giraldo visualizes a new plant-based meat alternative at CEMAS

    a need in the research and many others will benefit from these image processing algorithms.” The Heliscan ... instrument manager. Velasquez-Giraldo expects that food tomography analysis from microCT scans will be ... utilized more in food engineering and food science research in the coming months and years, improving the ...

  6. Vegetation research meeting, Owen Si, and USDA

    200 (Wooster) RESERVED by Owen Si, to meet with USDA LJ Wednesday, September 18, 2024- 11:30am to 12:30pm ...

  7. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    communities and businesses in Ohio by leveraging the expertise and research of our outstanding faculty and ... Engineering Research Center (ERC). The first round of funding will last for five years, with the ability to ... renew for another $26 million for five additional years. “Our ongoing priority is to support the people, ...

  8. Jamel (Mel) Chamberlain

    Management (Kent State University) M.S. Business Psychology (Franklin University)- Any- Journal article ...

  9. Jepsen Undergraduate Research Team Meeting

    202 kw Repeats every 3 weeks every Tuesday until Tue Dec 24 2024. Tuesday, September 24, 2024- 11:30am to 12:30pm Tuesday, October 15, 2024- 11:30am to 12:30pm Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 11:30am to 12:30pm Tuesday, November 26, 2024- 11:30am to 12:30pm Tu ...

  10. Summer 2024 Highlights

    Kalhori, Dustin Dakota, Kate Marris, and Associate Research Manager Dr. Rachel Cole presented research ... Development Competition, Murphy Carroll was an Undergraduate Research Finalist, and our College Bowl team also ... The department hosted their annual graduation party and celebrated our students who graduated ...
