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Small Business
in the areas of marketing, management, financials, manufacturing. Our team: Brad Bapst, SBDC ... through direct consulting, training, research, and technical assistance in all areas of business ... management. The Center also provides peer-to-peer learning, access to venture capitalists, guidance in ...
Todd Steiner
Todd Steiner Enology Program Manager & Outreach Specialist (330) 263-3881 ... research and extension for quality wine production but have recently moved to all extension due to the ...
Striped bass
Research on breeding, genetics, culture, and feed requirements of striped bass have been ... production and commercial growout in regions more distant from the Atlantic Coast. Research focuses: Design ...
Money To Grow
– 1:30 p.m. Bridget Britton, Farm Stress Management – Resources to assist farmers who are feeling stress ...
Ellen Klinger, MS, PhD
graduate entomology programs; I also engage in research surrounding diseases of insects, especially ... Pest Management Entomology 5350.01- Taxonomy and Behavior of Aquatic Invertebrates Entomology 5604- ...
Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit
student-led cooperative farm at the Ohio Valley Career & Technical Center’s Agribusiness Management ... program in West Union, Ohio, students gain real-world experience as they manage their school’s 300-acre ... Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) program of USDA focused on enhancing the student-led cooperative ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Anthony Roth, PGA
Science (2008) in Professional Golf Management (PGM) from our department and is now the ... A normal day at Martis Camp is usually full of sunshine and good times. Our golf season is short (Mid-May ... our membership and their guests. The days can be filled with snow or sunshine as we provide car & ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Gitta Coaker
to each day on the job? I enjoy interacting with other scientists, presenting our research and ... Davis. She received her PhD (2003) focused on plant breeding and genetics from our department under the ... recently the American Phytopathological Society (APS) awarded her the Noel T. Keen Award for Research ...
Rachel Combs-Giroir Selected as a Farm Foundation Cultivator Recipient!
advancements in agriculture and to network with industry leaders. I’m looking forward to presenting my research ... understand how important plants are in our everyday lives. This experience led me to pursue a PhD in plant ... genetics. How is your research going? My research is finally wrapping up and I am in the process of writing ...
Art with Arthropods at the UTBZ
We think insects are works of art, so why not use them as inspiration for our other artistic ... Wooster Campus. Register Here January 16 – Watercolor “Unstill Life” Meet some of our live (and lively!) ... Learn about insect anatomy while creating stamps. We’ll use those stamps to create and decorate our ...