
Search results

  1. Letter from the Interim Director, Thom Janini

    I have come to appreciate the great support from alumni that Ohio State ATI enjoys. Our alumni are well ... represented on our advisory committees and among our faculty and staff. I first became aware of Ohio State ATI ... State ATI. I ran into Jim at our high school reunion this summer and had the opportunity to talk to him ...

  2. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  3. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  4. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  5. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  6. Ohio SMART Agriculture- Community Meeting

    world, but especially our most vulnerable neighbors right here in Ohio.  The goal is an ACTION PLAN for ...

  7. Slugs Likely to Thrive This Summer

    smaller than a BB and blend in well with the soil, Michel said. After hatching, they hide during the day, ... with a serious slug problem can either till the soil to disrupt the slugs’ shelter or apply a pesticide ...

  8. USDA seeks comments on regulatory reform

    participation in our programs in ways that least interfere with our customers and allow us to accomplish our ...

  9. Campus Facilities Update

    programs for our students." The Wooster campus is developing a strategic plan and will be undergoing ...

  10. COMPSTDS 2301 World Literature Fischer

    let's find some poetry. Use the names/titles from your background research. 1. Poetry Foundation 2. ...
